some links for 3D and Video
- [fr] using kdeenlive to produce a little film with audio added / libre format like Ogg / Theora / Vorbis, using CC-by-sa
- using blender to animate a 3D logo and make a video
- [en|fr] howto Ogg / Theora video
- [fr] montage vidéo sous GNU/Linux
- [fr] tutorial jahshaka
- Synthese3dVideoOnLine [fr] how to put online your videos, some tips
- Synthese3dVideoReconnaissance [fr] traitements d'image divers
- [fr] passage en revue des conteneurs / formats vidéo
- [fr] explanation of video formats, container, codec
- [fr] logiciels d'animation 2D ktoon, synfig avec une liste plus complète
- [fr] liste bien complète avec licence identifiée, motion capture...
- [fr] 'Retiming' vidéo pour ajouter des frames intermédiaires, options existantes dans avidemux et SMPlayer (vecteurs de mouvements)
- [fr] mythtv, freevo, XBox Media Center quelques retours d'utilisation
some tests
- Synthese3dVideoFFmpeg2Theora use ffmpeg2theora to obtain a smaller video in a libre format
- Synthese3dVideoKdenlive use of Kdenlive to extract a sequence from a video and add some text (license...)
- [fr] testing how videos in your browser can be displayed
some useful commands
Take care: o_O ~15 GB /o\ for one hour of video in DV (better than DVD format)- mencoder video.dv -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=ffv1 -vf pp=ci,hqdn3d -oac pcm -o video.ffv1
- Unfortunately, ffmpeg2theora doesn't support denoising yet (though such a feature is listed in its TODO file). To denoise the source video, the best solution we've found so far is to the the denoise filters in mencoder:
- ffv1: lossless video compression codec from the FFmpeg project. This will create a big output file (similar to the size of the original DV video), but again, we do not want to degrade the source quality before using the Theora encoder. We do that same thing with the audio.
- ci: deinterlace filter (if needed).
- hqdn3d: high quality denoise3d filter.
- ffmpeg2theora -o video.ogg video.avi # or simply ffmpeg2theora video.avi which will replace automatically the extension with ogg
- mkvmerge -o video.mkv video.avi # use matroska container (package mkvtoolnix)
From add subtitles to a video with mencoder for a Nokia N95
/usr/bin/mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -lavcopts aspect=16/9,vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell:threads=2 -vf-add scale=320:240 -sub $2 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subpos 95 -o `basename $1 .avi`-n95.avi $1
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