existing packaging for subversion
Look for subversion and svn in packages for Mandriva for example, using Sophie :- looking for svn in 2007.1
- packages beginning by s in 2007.1
You'll find :
- subversion the main package for svn
- apache-mod_dav_svn the mod_dav plugin of svn for apache
- gforge-plugin-scmsvn a plugin for gforge
- libsvn0
- others...
dependancies hell
Check the list of dependancies : http://sophie.zarb.org/rpm/2007.1,i586/subversion#dependenciesAnd because a graphic is far better than a long list (long to display)

(you'll find this graphic by clicking button search dependancies at subversion query & analyze which leads to the following detailed result)
There's some navigation in the graphical representation if you're using an efficient browser like Firefox which permits to use svg functionalities : you can follow the dependancies from package to package, clicking on the area of a package.
It's not that much simpler for apache-mod_dav_svn /o\
check http://sophie.zarb.org/rpm/2007.1,i586/apache-mod_dav_svn/query for package apache-mod_dav_svn in 2007.1 i586

Eh eh, there are simpler dependancies schemas though (if you've not yet fled...), for libsvn0 for example (other simpler example are left to get your confidence back).

Local copies of images
In case the original images are no longer available, here are local copies of them (both png and svg available)