Revision [2397]

Last edited on 2008-12-16 02:32:48 by BenoitAudouard [add NokiaPCSuiteGNULinux >]
MobileSymbian > NokiaPCSuiteGNULinux > msynctool
MobileSymbian > msynctool

Revision [2391]

Edited on 2008-12-16 02:24:43 by BenoitAudouard [precision]
todo: add a screenshot of the mobile for options to check for synchro and retry with other tools
I'm still using the USB cable to synchronize contacts & agenda with evolution, it works correctly.

Revision [2388]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-12-16 02:19:20 by BenoitAudouard [precision]
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