Revision [125]

Last edited on 2006-03-13 22:50:15 by BenoitAudouard
Here's the bug milestone which people should use to identify depends for the wishlist
It will be easier to refer to it than [[ bugzilla wishlist request]] which currently provides 248 bugs/wishes

Revision [124]

Edited on 2006-03-13 22:38:40 by BenoitAudouard [add details]
Put it as well on giving your bug number.
The wiki is used for a summary and details of the wish you made (be sure to specify everything that need clarification), the bug is there for discussion/understanding and follow-up of the advancement of the feature you requested.

Revision [123]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-03-13 22:17:48 by BenoitAudouard [add details]
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