Following my proposal at here's the bug I suggest to open as a milestone for the wishlist of features to be included in Mandriva Linux 2007
Here's the bug milestone which people should use to identify depends for the wishlist
It will be easier to refer to it than bugzilla wishlist request which currently provides 248 bugs/wishes
This bug should be used as a wishlist milestone for all *wishlist* for the next release, ie. Mandriva Linux 2007.
If you think that a feature is important and should be included in 2007 release, discuss it here in comments or cooker mailing-list.
Put it as well on giving your bug number.
The wiki is used for a summary and details of the wish you made (be sure to specify everything that need clarification), the bug is there for discussion/understanding and follow-up of the advancement of the feature you requested.
If you are not developer, contributor, just an user, please discuss these features only and make suggestions. Do not fill them in the 'Depends on' field, thank you. [These suggestions should be filtered to keep track of really important things, thank you.]
How this bug should work? Each important feature should be filled in the 'Depends on' field. So, this bug can't be closed untill all those features are identified.
[ I'm using installation product, because I can't find more suiteable one, like Mandriva linux, ... ]