Well a mirror is usually where you find repositories for RPM or ISO, there's a whole infrastructure behing mirrors in fact

What are mirrors used for in Mageia and which parameters are important?

This is currently work in progress:
Mirrors mind map
Source is available at MageiaMirrors.xmind (under this WikiLicense) see CompileXMind to edit it :)

Related topics

See http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mageia-mirrors/ for list of existing mirrors (and register), see source code at http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/mgamirrors/ (license? AGPL3+?)
Documentation available at http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/Mageia/mirror.readme

See MandrivaMirrors for structure and size of mirrors

Check bittorrent limits (lack of duration in the long term, use of network not respecting topology...), there was an article by Red Hat or Fedora

Compatibility with http://mirrorbrain.org/ MirrorBrain is a Download Redirector and generates Metalinks, Torrents and crypto-hashes

http://blogdrake.net/blog/katnatek/dependenciasdrake [es] to determine dependencies to be installed (based on a rpm -qa) in order to download them at a cybercafé (for example)

http://easyurpmi.zarb.org [en|fr|es] to determine configuration for mirror list
http://smarturpmi.mandrivauser.de [en|fr|de...] Smarturpmi is a web application which caters to the same needs as EasyUrpmi, with the advantage that each mirror displays the timestamp of latest sync and availability of all mirrors is checked 3 times a day. It's available in 15 languages (even
including English!) and a GPL app, currently running on our webserver but available for everybody to install it on his webserver.

Some not so related topics

What bring interest in packaging extensions that are updated upstream? Well, they are packaged for the same reason that others rpms: If "there is update on upstream" is sufficient to not package something, then we shouldn't package anything ...

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