Welcome to CookerSpot !
This website is intended for collaborative work on documentations about Mandriva development version : Cooker, hence the name CookerSpot for the wiki
You'll find among other things...
- some MandrivaDocumentation (ToDo : eayurpmi, taking care of its cooker, ...)
- HowToEnXen an installation on Xen with Mandriva 2007
- MandrivaMagazine draft for versions of Mandriva e-mag turned towards the Mandriva community (this wiki can be used for translations)
- InsideIssue03Es first draft for future mandriva spanish e-mag
- MandrivaMagFr first draft for future mandriva french e-mag
- CookerWeeklyNews with abstracts of the archives of cooker mailing-list (used for draft versions)
- CompilePrograms list of ProgramsScientific (url to interesting open-source or free tools for scientific use) being compiled for cooker or 2006
- ProgramsGames is a list of games or entertainment tools that I sometimes find on the web and that could be part of CompilePrograms
- see Categories for other topics
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