Looking for a mind-mapping free-software, I tried Freemind and semantik (replacement for kdissert). I did not try Freeplane a fork of Freemind.
XMind described at XMind wikipedia page has a libre software license - dual Eclipse Public License v1.0 (EPL) + GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL)- and another one for commercial purpose (and perhaps functionalities, did not even look), well to be fair it's quite annoying: sign-in option, missing menus with (pro) options (maybe I should recompile it to take advantage of it?, LGPL being a guarantee to access source code and distribute it).
Install XMind from binary
As it is a Java program, there's a portable version available for download.See http://code.google.com/p/xmind3/ and http://www.xmind.net/downloads/ to download the portable version or see a direct mirror for xmind-portable- as mirrors do not seem reliable (403 errors)
unzip the dowloaded file in a dedicated directory, go into it, then:
cd XMind_Linux_64bit/ # as I'm using x86_64
./xmind # the sign-in is not compulsory just skip it
Compile from source
any experimented contributor in Java/Eclipse is welcomed to package this softwareUse XMind
save .xmind file, use Menu / File / export / image PNG to provide nice graphics :)TODO:
- check how Notes can be added and how they are rendered when producing (exporting) an HTML page for example
- find how to import new "Marqueurs" in SVG, from htttp://openclipart.org for example