Here are some scientific tools that are useful, for GNU/Linux. Hence, compiling / testing then packaging them is worth doing to make them more widely available under GNU/Linux.
Some candidates may be chosen in games or entertainment tools as well. Here's a longer description, see PresentationScientificPackaging

compiling programs

List of programs I had to compile, see ProgramsScientific too for a more complete list of selection of scientific tools that may (or may not yet) be packaged for GNU/Linux distribution

compiling games

tests with screenshot

and the related tests : ToDo : k3d, zhu3d, mm3d, k3dsurf, pixie: 3D renderer Renderman compliant


First, have a look at PackagingMadeSimple
All packages and spec files are put in
if not already available in cooker or plf

see as well

For the moment, only rpms are made, .deb are welcome if a maintainer wants

CategoryCookerDev CategoryMageiaDev
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