Revision [3167]

Last edited on 2010-08-24 15:49:19 by BenoitAudouard
Those are suggestions from and here is a fast analysis of packages currently already available in cooker (20060401) which is the development distribution for Mandriva Linux (the url was [[ forum of CAELinux]]).
Those are suggestions from http://caelinux.comand here is a fast analysis of packages currently already available in cooker (20060401) which is the development distribution for Mandriva Linux (the url was [[ forum of CAELinux]]).

Revision [3081]

Edited on 2010-05-14 11:00:30 by BenoitAudouard
===some documentations about CAE===
===some documentations===

Revision [1909]

Edited on 2008-03-25 21:07:33 by BenoitAudouard
Those are suggestions from http://caelinux.comand here is a fast analysis of packages currently already available in cooker (20060401) which is the development distribution for Mandriva Linux (the url was [[ forum of CAELinux]]).
Those are suggestions from [[ forum of CAELinux]] and here is a fast analysis of packages currently already available in cooker (20060401) which is the development distribution for Mandriva Linux.

Revision [1114]

Edited on 2007-03-16 20:44:03 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
===some documentations=== exercises using salome and CAElinux (english & french)

Revision [345]

Edited on 2006-07-08 12:52:13 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
Additions: included with salome in the live-CD

Revision [316]

Edited on 2006-06-11 04:01:13 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
packages already available : libode0-0.5-7mdk.i586 ode-0.5-7mdk [[,i586/libode0 latest version]]
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams - [[ latest version]]
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk [[ latest version]] ) scilab (4.0-1plf)
packages already available : libode0-0.5-7mdk.i586 ode-0.5-7mdk
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk) scilab (4.0-1plf)

Revision [243]

Edited on 2006-04-16 18:00:08 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
""Made with MSVisual C++ V7.0 and MFC-Library"". (don't know whether it runs under wine, maybe under the Mono environment) Simbob link
Made with MSVisual C++ V7.0 and MFC-Library. (don't know whether it runs under wine, maybe under the Mono environment) Simbob link

Revision [200]

Edited on 2006-04-05 18:42:15 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
very powerful, no integrated GUI but Opensim is a GUI for it, Python binding ""PyODE"" available.
13. ""FreeCAD"" (3D-multibody dynamics)
similar to ""VisualNastranDesktop"". Good GUI but somewhat less userfriendly than the commercial original. main web site (LGPL) stcad : 3D CAD Framework for Smalltalk examples (ask for a license... or public domain ?)
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams
14. Octave / ""SciLab"" (numerical computing)
Octave is similar to Matlab and SciLab is similar to Simulink.
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk) scilab (4.0-1plf)
see TestScilab
very powerful, no integrated GUI but Opensim is a GUI for it, Python binding PyODE available.
13. FreeCAD (3D-multibody dynamics)
similar to VisualNastranDesktop. Good GUI but somewhat less userfriendly than the commercial original.
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams
14. Octave / SciLab (numerical computing)
Octave is similar to Matlab and SciLab is similar to Simulink.
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk) scilab (4.0-1plf)

Revision [199]

Edited on 2006-04-05 15:23:11 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
===packages available===
To be tested, with screenshots, see CompilePrograms
packages are available in current cooker (20060405)
===to be packaged===
===will not be packaged===

Revision [182]

Edited on 2006-04-01 02:04:56 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
The best practice / process is to package the interesting programs whose **license is OK** (GPL, BSD, ...) for cooker, then - eventually - backport them to pclinuxos. It will improve the packaging of those programs and enable their automatic availability for Mandriva Linux 2007 (hence pclinuxos)
packages already available : libode0-0.5-7mdk.i586 ode-0.5-7mdk
libode0-0.5-7mdk.i586 ode-0.5-7mdk

Revision [181]

Edited on 2006-04-01 02:01:18 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
Those are suggestions from [[ forum of CAELinux]] and here is a fast analysis of packages currently already available in cooker (20060401) which is the development distribution for Mandriva Linux.
to be packaged url ?
to be packaged url ?
# will not be included: GiD (commercial), EMC (needs RealTime Linux) & Simbob (windows-based & don't want to mess with Wine).
to be packaged url ?
to be packaged url ?
to be packaged url ?
# will not be included: GiD (commercial), EMC (needs RealTime Linux) & Simbob (windows-based & don't want to mess with Wine).
to be packaged
libode0-0.5-7mdk.i586 ode-0.5-7mdk
to be packaged
# will not be included: GiD (commercial), EMC (needs RealTime Linux) & Simbob (windows-based & don't want to mess with Wine).
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk) scilab (4.0-1plf)
packages already available : maxima (5.9.2-1mdk)
packages already available : R-base (2.2.1-1mdk)
to be packaged : RKward url
packages already available : gsl-progs gsl-doc (1.7-1mdk)
packages already available : geda geda-gnetlist geda-gschem geda-gsymcheck geda-symbols geda-utils (20050820-1mdk in current cooker)
19. Impact (FE solver for large deformations)
Useful for crash analysis or metal forming. It can be used with GiD or gmsh as pre-/postproc.
to be packaged
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk) scilab (4.0-1plf)
packages already available : maxima (5.9.2-1mdk)
packages already available : R-base (2.2.1-1mdk)
to be packaged : RKward url
packages already available : gsl-progs gsl-doc (1.7-1mdk)
packages already available : geda geda-gnetlist geda-gschem geda-gsymcheck geda-symbols geda-utils (20050820-1mdk in current cooker)

Revision [180]

Edited on 2006-04-01 01:05:11 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
packages already available : qcad ( progessional CAD system kicad (20050906-1mdk) electronic schematics diagrams
packages already available : octave (2.1.72-1mdk) scilab (4.0-1plf)

packages already available : maxima (5.9.2-1mdk)

packages already available : R-base (2.2.1-1mdk)
to be packaged : RKward url

packages already available : gsl-progs gsl-doc (1.7-1mdk)

packages already available : geda geda-gnetlist geda-gschem geda-gsymcheck geda-symbols geda-utils (20050820-1mdk in current cooker)

Revision [179]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-04-01 00:50:46 by BenoitAudouard [add doc]
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