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As any distribution can benefit from improvements, here some links to reviews identifying some things that were not suficiently precise or could be improved

===Some reviews to find suggestions for improvement===
~- drakxtools aka Control Center
~- Mandriva is a bit of a standout among Linux distributions. It doesn't quite fit with the community distributions, and it doesn't quite fit with the corporate distros either. Mandriva provides a free distribution on DVD that's all open source software, and a PowerPack edition that contains some proprietary software like support for non-free multimedia codecs.
~- a solid and user-friendly Linux distro
~- Mandriva installer is a bit more complex than Ubuntu and Linux Mint, but not terribly so. It will make many more experienced Linux users fairly happy to be able to select a wider set of software, rather than a default install of pre-selected software.
~- cohesive visual style between desktops, so users who switch from GNOME to LXDE will still know they're using Mandriva
~- The Package Stats utility is something I haven't seen in other distros. It shows the packages installed on the system, the last date used, and the last file accessed by those packages. This might help users uninstall unused apps that are taking up space. => doc' ;-) (I did not pay attention to it)
~- better explain that Free is not compulsory to install GNOME and KDE and LXDE => doc' any desktop can be added afterwards
~- request to add updates repositories => doc' to be more clear, perhaps display a message (with link to the help)
~- may be better as in Graphical themes (in comments) => ease the addition of wallpapers

==naming each version of distro==
names would be great with a fixed schedule release. Pattern is probably not absolutely necessary. Just use random names like hurricanes. I kind of like the idea of naming releases after contributors children or pets
I like of Hitchhiker's Guide's characters name. But don't know if have copyright problem of it.
Barty Slardfasst
Cool Idea, but just do it in the style of HHGTTG
or name from Terry Pratchet's books
Orthy Birdfart
Amarok releases are from Mike Oldfield albums, doesen't seem like a problem for them

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