Revision [3282]

Last edited on 2010-09-21 15:47:52 by BenoitAudouard [ideas]
==naming each version of distro==
names would be great with a fixed schedule release. Pattern is probably not absolutely necessary. Just use random names like hurricanes. I kind of like the idea of naming releases after contributors children or pets
I like of Hitchhiker's Guide's characters name. But don't know if have copyright problem of it.
Barty Slardfasst
Cool Idea, but just do it in the style of HHGTTG
or name from Terry Pratchet's books
Orthy Birdfart
Amarok releases are from Mike Oldfield albums, doesen't seem like a problem for them

Revision [3275]

Edited on 2010-09-21 14:47:23 by BenoitAudouard [cat]
CategoryBlogMageia CategoryMageiaInfo

Revision [3259]

Edited on 2010-09-20 20:56:37 by BenoitAudouard [cat]
~- drakxtools aka Control Center
~- drakxtools

Revision [3258]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-09-20 20:56:16 by BenoitAudouard [cat]
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