Revision [3827]

Last edited on 2011-09-03 10:32:00 by BaudAdmin
Additions: o_O un seul proxy de sortie au Qatar ça a des effets de bord (630000 personnes)

Revision [3586]

Edited on 2011-03-27 21:57:45 by BenoitAudouard [revert]
This [[ great dating site]] is perfect for those who are lost, lonely and hungry for some love, passion and romance in their life so kiss those cold nights goodbye so you can enjoy a happy life ahead.

Revision [3585]

Edited on 2011-03-24 12:15:57 by LynLyn [revert]
This [[ great dating site]] is perfect for those who are lost, lonely and hungry for some love, passion and romance in their life so kiss those cold nights goodbye so you can enjoy a happy life ahead.

Revision [3581]

Edited on 2011-03-18 20:05:21 by BenoitAudouard [revert]
Net neutrality : en français [[ neutralite de reseaux]] la page de [[ wikipedia anglaise de Net neutrality]] étant plus précise.
Net neutrality : en français [[ neutralité de réseaux]] la page de [[ wikipedia anglaise de Net neutrality]] étant plus précise.

Revision [2975]

Edited on 2010-03-20 02:07:08 by BaudAdmin [revert]
sourceforge restreint l'accès
free prive l'algérie d'accès aux pages perso (à l'insu de son plein gré ?)

Revision [2974]

Edited on 2010-03-20 01:58:00 by BaudAdmin [netneutrality]
Pour la neutralité du réseau plutôt que hadopi

Revision [2185]

Edited on 2008-09-17 13:44:59 by BenoitAudouard [mise en forme]
Impact on crime levels : //All systems aimed to reduce crime, yet this study suggests that CCTV has generally failed to achieve this. Although police-recorded crime has decreased in six out of the 13 systems for which data were available, in only three cases might this decrease be attributable to CCTV, and in only two areas was there a significant decrease compared with the control.//
Impact on crime levels
//All systems aimed to reduce crime, yet this study suggests that CCTV has generally failed to achieve this. Although police-recorded crime has decreased in six out of the 13 systems for which data were available, in only three cases might this decrease be attributable to CCTV, and in only two areas was there a significant decrease compared with the control.//

Revision [2184]

Edited on 2008-09-17 13:42:59 by BenoitAudouard [ajout CCTV]
===Liens connexes sur d'autres dérives à l'encontre des libertés individuelles=== [en] fiasco de la vidéo-surveillance (CCTV) au Royaume Uni. (Une caméra pour quatorze habitants)
Impact on crime levels
//All systems aimed to reduce crime, yet this study suggests that CCTV has generally failed to achieve this. Although police-recorded crime has decreased in six out of the 13 systems for which data were available, in only three cases might this decrease be attributable to CCTV, and in only two areas was there a significant decrease compared with the control.//

Revision [2181]

Edited on 2008-09-12 21:40:53 by BenoitAudouard [ajout GPG]
===Quelques liens connexes avec la liberté d'expression=== [en] l'historique de [[ GnuPrivacyGuard]]

Revision [2179]

Edited on 2008-09-10 12:33:36 by BenoitAudouard [lien attitude ovh]
Additions: [fr] OVH: "Mais on vous répète qu'un serveur loué ne vous appartient pas !", juge à la place du juge ?

Revision [2175]

Edited on 2008-09-07 22:09:33 by BenoitAudouard [ajout formation]
Une formation avec (beaucoup de) vocabulaire et de belles z'images
===Quelques liens en rapport===

Revision [2174]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-09-07 21:39:36 by BenoitAudouard [ajout formation]
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