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Translation suggested by Lebarhon, thanks to warn me for any modification of the original (just a few words here)
To be checked

====First sight on the 2007.0====
Mandriva-Linux 2007.0 will arrive with its bunch of ameliorations, new software and new tools.
In the main lines, everybody knows, we can quote:

Kernel 2.6.xx including about 300 patches besides kernel-linus to take hardware into account in a better way, among them…
Gcc 4.1.1
Xorg 7.1
Aiglx & xgl
Gnome 2.16
Kde 3.5.4
Xfce 4.4

And many more

The last stabilized versions of the main software: The Gimp, Scribus, Ardour, Rosegarden, …

This list is the one everybody will see very soon, the one which will be taken over by many internet sites, the one also which can be read on the boxes and on the Mandriva site itself... Let's take an interest in it more closely:

An other major innovation is PINIT: Parallel Init. It assures the different services launch in parallel. The old system inherited from Unix assured the services launch in good order the one after the other. Pinit allows then to improve a lot the necessary time to boot. It is moreover subtle: it is compatible with LSB (Linux Standard Base) and stay compatible with the historic system! According to the computers and the number of chosen services to be launched, we reach gains about 10 or 30 seconds.

To be completed

===Development environments===

Kdevelop 3.3.3 / QTdesigner 4.1.4 / Eclipse-Platform 3.2 + plugins / Anjuta 2 + Anjuta 1.2.4 / Glade 3.0.1 / Monodevelop 0.11
Frameworks like rail, catalyst, django, to get ready for web 2.0
For people interested by the Linux kernel, a méta-package named linus-git will automatically install for you, everything needed to have GIT up to date: i.e. the 1.4.2 version


Its real name is Rpmdrake, it has been one of the first tool offering a simple and user-friendly interface to manage a lot of software made available to the users on the distribution mirrors. It is fair to say this tool began to be out of date and was showing some ergonomic gaps according to the current standards.

Although it had kept its goal of simplicity, it has just been developed towards a new version where all its functions are accessible from one and only window, a big plus in ergonomics. We can henceforward, more simply manage the various updates, the installation and the deletion of software.

The engines still are rpm & urpmi (urpmi bringing extra functions to rpm). Under the bonnet, we also win a great deal in rapidity in the search, at the heart of an accessible base of about 10 000 rpms! The tool keep its excellent dependencies management, which is definitely an excellent feature when we don't feel like knowing which are the necessary dependencies and why an other tool is moaning…
In addition with theses ergonomic improvement, it shows a strong aesthetic improvement. All theses improvements, most of all the interface unification and the ergonomics improvement, were wishes, strong, from the community. It's done today.


It's the tool allowing the centralized management of the different connecting points to the different kind of networks. The 2006.x had seen the arriving of a new wizard to manage the hostnames on the whole stock of computers, an other one to simplify the connecting configuration to the WIFI networks, including all the inherent usual options and even allowing the use of ndiswrapper when the WIFI board manufacturer doesn't offer any native driver for Linux. In the 2007.0, it's a little bit the revolution: WIFI tools improvement, Bluetooth connections taken into account, 3 G, GPRS & EDGE connections management and the DVB connections ( for the satellites)


The excellent Aiglx and Xgl are in 2007.0. But not only: They benefit from a particularly top-quality integration to the system. The goal is always to simplify the user life, there is no need with Mandriva to juggle with a multitude of options in dark configuration files. This integration will automatically detect and adjust the possibilities for your computer and your comfort! Let it be possible to use a "3 D desk", but even more: Is it better to use Xgl than Aiglx for your computer ? That is automatically done in total transparency. Only some boards of some manufacturers may not allow it, either by lack of power or by lack of Linux support from the manufacturer. (to note that ATI has just been taken over by AMD, good future news can be expected. Even better, from now INTEL will place all its future graphic boards drivers under GPL license and make free the existing ones. See the article "actualities").
It is possible to activate theses effects; although rather designed for Gnome at the beginning as well with Kde; on Mandriva 2007.0. Gnome or Kde, have choice!
Of course, the user will have wide control possibilities on theses "3 D desks" options. He will be able to enable or disable them as he pleases, thanks to the Drak3D tool. Given as a gift, it will be possible to choose a simple effect - and convenient – based on the 3ddesktop solution (allowing to change the virtual desk by showing them all on a tri-dimensional dice faces)


A new firewall tool! ---

It allows to make firewalls redundant. for example you can have a second firewall called emergency in total transparency on the network. Theses firewalls will permanently synchronize each other. For example: your workstation using a firewall breakdown ? a serious electrical problem occurs in the room ? There is no panic, the other one immediately take over, it stayed synchronized and exactly knows what to do, without any need for you to worry about something else that the electrical break down of the first one.
Drakinvictus is the "Q o S" (Quality of Services) applied to the Linux firewalls

===Update 2006 towards 2007 and passage to the UTF8===

Note for the pao-men: Jean-Caude Stiegler quoted below has EXPRESSLY requested to me to preserve the sentence in bold on the warning .This is why I quoted his remarks directly.

What is the problem?
UTF-8 (UCS transformation format 8 bits) is a character coding format defined for the Unicode characters (UCS). Mandriva 2006 version still have the system of unicode characters, but the new 2007 put itself at the forefront of technology by using universal coding UTF-8. Within the framework of an update from 2006 towards 2007, your accentuated characters suffer from this passage, and all become uneasily readable.
Jean-Claude Stiegler, Administrator and writer of LinuxFrench.NET (∞) and a French club member looked into the system, to give us a soft passage towards the UTF-8, offering for the first a method to convert the file names and for the second, a script allowing to translate the contents of the files.

Method n°1, by Jean-Caude Stiegler:
//"Since always, when I install a new version of Mandriva, I preserve my directory /home located on an other partition that the system.
Of course I passed automatically in UTF-8 at the installation of the 2007, result: all the names of files and directories containing accents or other diacritics became odd...
After having searched a little everywhere, I finally found a solution://

**Before getting involved in the manipulation that follows with convmv, it is strongly recommended to make a backup of your data and to make tests on copies of your directories. convmv is highly reliable, but the user is in general a little less... We all make mistakes regularly.**

//- Open the Mandriva control centre;
- click on checking the available programs and installing others;
- check that convmv-1.10-1mdv2007.0 is well installed, if not install it;
- always in the Mandriva control centre, click on the icon system after having left the installation of the software, click on selecting the language and the country or area for the system;
- in the bottom left of the window that opens, click on advanced;
- click on the small box on the left of the text Old encoding compatibility (non UTF-8). If you want absolutely to remain in Iso-8859-1, it is over, it is enough to validate and to connect again and all your files are back correctly written.
- If you wish to activate the UTF-8 (and I encourage you to do it, it's the future and in a more or less long lapse of time, everyone will be in UTF-8, don't remain isolated!) :
- open a terminal console;
- type the following command: convmv - f latin1 – t utf-8 - r -- notest /home/user_directory
- from there, as the local configuration of the system is latin1, all the files and directories containing accents will be odd...
- go back in the Mandriva control centre, system, choice of the language;
- uncheck the box opposite to Old encoding compatibility (non UTF-8);
- validate and log you out, log in again, here it is, you are in UTF-8 and all your accents and other signs are quite visible.
read carefully the man of convmv before getting involved in the manipulation to well understand what you are doing.//

This tutorial will be very useful for the migrations and the mag warmly thanks Jean-Claude for his competences and his help.

Method n°2 : Sebdeb, member of the Mandriva club, has just placed a script at everyone disposal which is a real machinery for re-encoding in UTF-8 a whole tree structure. The main difference with the tutorial above is that it also integrates the re-encoding of the files content. You will find the script and all the essential points for its use on this web page:∞ and the club forum where Sébastien makes the advertisement of it:∞

Thanks also to him to looked into the problem and to gave us a perfect script.
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